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Past meetings jul- Dec 2013

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Saved by Rog Rydberg
on September 26, 2013 at 7:55:46 am

July 5 - NO MEETING - Happy Holiday


July 13

Economic Futures

Title: Economics of Internet Security (Part II)

Moderator: Roger Rydberg

Speakers: Arnold Kwong & Bruce Healton

REF:Abstract Web Infections and Protections WIPP: Personal Privacy and Perfect Security



Aug 10, 2013

Title "The Future of Food"


Hank Lederer Brian Toren


This meeting is comprised of a series of short Ted Talks presenting various Futures on Food. Some possible sub topics: Genetically Modified Foods (GMO, the new lab grown hamburger, sustainable farming, aqua farming, Greenhouse farming, hydroponics
Water shortage, preservation of food, etc. in between the showings. Discussions
after each showing out the subject presented will be held to get thoughts of the

From 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM any attendee can forward to the other members of the group internet URLs or copies of articles or other information on innovations, concepts, or strategies they feel may be important in any area as we consider possible, probable, and preferable futures.





Aug 17, 2013

Title   "The Future of Nuclear Power"

Presenter: Brian Toren

Abstract: This presentation addresses the state and future of Nuclear energy. As you know nuclear energy was the energy of the future. There are presently  400 plants  in the world . Deservedly or not, nuclear energy nuclear energy is not as welcome as it once was. It has been plagued by cost, a nuclear waste problem and a few disastrous nuclear accidents. I will discuss the present technologies briefly. I am going to address the future and status of the next generations. Only early Generation 3 reactors have been built. More versions await acceptance. I will discuss some of these and some newer processes that look promising. Some are scheduled in the near future and some 20 to 50 years down the road. I will look at the status of  fusion and the various approaches, this includes cold and near-cold fission. It is possible some things that are on the drawing board will be viable long before projects in which billions have already been spent. Three or four videos are included in this presentation.

Future of Nuclear Energy.ppt


Generations of Nuclear Reactors  https://www.amacad.org/multimedia/pdfs/publications/researchpapersmonographs/nuclearReactors.pdf





Hank Lederer, Roger Rydberg

Be prepared to contribute - we need to keep the Futurists " Proactive"!

This is your organization - make the best of it!

Come with Research topics E.G.  "Energy", GM  Foods, Robot cars...etc

Presentation PowerPoint video links


Aug 24, 2013

Title:"Anticipatory Governance and the Future of American Governance"

Presenter: George Kubic


The world and the events that shape it are complex and uncertain. In this rapidly evolving milieu, the government of the United States shares a trait in common with other governments around the globe. Its hierarchical system of governance is “systemically myopic.” Its focus is primarily immediate and short-term in nature, and largely excludes oncoming events and developments. Its reliance on a future that is mythically shaped by character and “Yankee ingenuity” is increasingly out of touch with the rapidly accelerating world around it.


Leon Fuerth, Founder and Director of the Project on Forward Engagement (in conjunction with ex-president Al Gore, George Washington University, and others) has responded to this challenge by advancing two powerful and forward focused conce

Sept 7, 2013

Title “Sleepwalking into the Future – the Anthropocene (Geologic Age of Humans)

Presenter: David GriderTopic: “Emerging Global Megaforces: Implications for Possible Tomorrows”

pts: “Anticipatory Governance” and “Forward Engagement.” Fuerth’s efforts are intended to promote systemic longer-range thinking and the injection of futures components into government policy development and decision-making. Fuerth has created “Anticipatory Governance” and “Forward Engagement” as two robust alternatives to the dangers of myopic U.S. governance and straight-line extrapolation of trends. He documents the need of U.S. governance to exploit a wide-spectrum of methodologies for probing alternative futures.


Join us this Saturday (August 24, 2013) as we explore the exciting concepts of “Anticipatory Government” and “Forward Engagement.” Be prepared to actively envision and debate the future(s) of American governance, and ultimately—the future of
America. See you Saturday!







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