"WakarUSA Watershed" & "Windmill Hill" ...
7-Dec-1972 NASA Apollo-17 Mission:
>> We challenge each other's imaginations to develop scenarios of what might happen in the future,
what probably will happen, and what we want to make happen or avoid to help proactively create viable Alt-Futures! <<
Q: Who was the commander of Apollo 17?
A: Apollo 17 was the sixth and last Apollo mission in which humans walked on the lunar surface.
On Dec. 11, Lunar Module Pilot Harrison H. Schmitt and Commander Eugene A. Cernan,
landed on the moon's Taurus-Littrow region in the Lunar Module, while Command Module
Pilot Ron Evans continued in lunar orbit. Processing Link Apollo 17 Crew | NASA
19-May-2018 ... UNK-Squared (DDx)
CommUNITY Social Responsibility ... Pathfinder Passports StoryTreks(cc)
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OODA-Loop MindShifting Prescription (RRx)
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Advancing serious and responsible investigation of future scenarios,
without advocating ideologies or political activities ... https://goo.gl/GVL5Qd
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More than any other Midwestern state, Minnesota attracted engineers, especially in the computer industry, and became a center of computer technology after the war. Engineering Research Associates was formed in 1946 to develop computers for the Navy and the intelligence agencies. It merged with Remington Rand, and soon became a division of Sperry Rand.[18]
William Norris and others left Sperry in 1957 to form Control Data Corporation (CDC).[19]
Thomas J. Misa, Digital State:
The Story of Minnesota's Computing Industry (2013) JSTOR
Book Description:
Accounts of the early events of the computing industry-the Turing machine, the massive Colossus, the ENIAC computer-are well-told tales, and equally well known is the later emergence of Silicon Valley and the rise of the personal computer. Yet there is an extraordinary untold middle history-with deep roots in Minnesota. From the end of World War II through the 1970s, Minnesota was home to the first computing-centered industrial district in the world.
Drawing on rare archival documents, photographs, and a wealth of oral histories, Digital State unveils the remarkable story of computer development in the heartland after World War II. These decades found corporations-concentrated in large part in Minnesota-designing state-of-the-art mainframe technologies, revolutionizing new methods of magnetic data storage, and, for the first time, truly integrating software and hardware into valuable products for the American government and public.
Minnesota-based companies such as Engineering Research Associates, Univac, Control Data, Cray Research, Honeywell, and IBM Rochester were major international players and together formed an unrivaled epicenter advancing digital technologies. These companies not only brought vibrant economic growth to Minnesota, they nurtured the state's present-day medical device and software industries and possibly even tomorrow's nanotechnology.
Thomas J. Misa's groundbreaking history shows how Minnesota recognized and embraced the coming information age through its leading-edge companies, its workforce, and its prominent institutions. Digital State reveals the inner workings of the birth of the digital age in Minnesota and what we can learn from this era of sustained innovation.
eISBN: 978-0-8166-8835-7
Subjects: Business, History, Technology
Comments (7)
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:18 am on May 21, 2018
G: Groupware Guide Harlan Cleveland - 2002 ... https://goo.gl/Cvvwqh
" The fourteen essays in this collection have an underlying theme: with everything getting more complicated, nobody can possibly know enough to be in general charge of anything really interesting or important.
H: ALL-Win4 PRiMOhana HICSS "Collaborative Engineering" ThinkLets:
Using Collaborative Engineering to Inform Collaboration Engineering
Collaborative engineering is defined as “a human- centered ...
DOI 10.1109/ HICSS.2012.159. 421 ..... https://goo.gl/o2F6xb
Reusable collaboration sequences (e.g., ThinkLets), tools ...
I: LEARN Locally but **InterACT Regionally** and THINK Globally ...
Indigenous Traditions | Climate Change Statements from World ...
International Indigenous Peoples' Forum on Climate Change, 2015 ...
“The Mystic Lake Declaration: Indigenous Perspectives and Solutions” ...
April 24, 2009
UNPFIP Network:
From the Native Peoples Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop II: ... Indigenous Nations, we have gathered on November 18-21, 2009 at Mystic Lake in ...
Mystic Lake Declaration:
Native climate change recommendations to ...
Nov 19, 2009 - More than 200 people are gathered here at the Mystic Lake Casino today to participate in the drafting process of the Mystic Lake Declaration.
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:19 am on May 21, 2018
A: Knowledge Management CommUNITY of Practice: SEEK-ing What's Next?
http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder¶m=MN-Futurists-STE9PS [Social / Technical (*E9*) Political / Spiritual]
B: Discovering key differences between ... Backcasting and Forecasting ...
Apr 24, 2016 - Backasting and Forecasting, both are used to estimate the future but the way both approaches to it is very different. https://goo.gl/Bpk8hy
C: Exploring Wikipedia "Outline of Futures Studies" & Previewing HIghTEK FutureThought Leadership Learning Collaborative MindShifting Methods.
Honoring this USAF Veteran: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Harkins
D: Project-based learning virtual tour of a PBWorks SmARTmemes Folder ... https://goo.gl/qNuucn
E: Ends-Means Synthesis (EMS)
NeuroScape NaviGation RCISAction ... https://goo.gl/E8H9Q5
F: UHManoa-InfoSci (1972)
Center for Naval Analysis (CNA) Fail-Faster Prototyping
Nobody in Charge: Essays on the Future of Leadership
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:37 am on May 21, 2018
Cross-Posted to Dormant Facebook HyperPotal ... https://goo.gl/Zg95PH
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 10:08 am on May 21, 2018
The University of Kansas Centennial (GCOS-1966 Ops Research Computing Innovations)
MN-Futurists BackCasting :: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:GeoVenturing/FOCCPAC
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 10:25 am on May 21, 2018
Wikipedia (AI-Bot Assisted) Keyword Search Request ...
Economy of Minnesota (section The digital state)
Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
Thomas J. Misa, Digital State: The Story of Minnesota's Computing Industry (2013) JSTOR "Philanthropy
25 KB (1,934 words) - 09:54, 7 May 2018
Transmedia storytelling
musician Ken Sykora, across music, film, radio, print and digital.
In 'Digital State: How the internet is changing everything' (2013), author Simon Pont
18 KB (2,206 words) - 19:39, 8 May 2018
History of Minnesota (section The digital state)
IBM Rochester". 03.ibm.com. Retrieved 2016-04-25.
Thomas J. Misa, Digital State: The Story of Minnesota's Computing Industry (2013) Annette Atkins
84 KB (10,619 words) - 17:16, 19 May 2018
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:44 am on May 22, 2018
The first HICSS conference, which took place in 1968 at the University of Hawaii, attracted representatives from 11 countries.
Since that time, HICSS has grown markedly, and now attracts registered delegates from over four dozen countries every year.
The conference is currently sponsored by the Shidler College of Business at the University of Hawaiʻi-Manoa.[1]
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:52 am on May 25, 2018
TGIF Revised Meetup Blurb ...
ALL-Win4CQuest(cc) MJCC-MentorshipART/SmARTmemes BackCasting:
Did Minnesota Futurists (CDC-UniHogs) guide Center for Naval Analysis (CNA) & NAVCOSSACT (Washington Navy Yard)? How did they help influence Office of Naval Research (ONR) to leverage GlobalBrain.com Quality Rapid Product Development (QRPD) "fail faster" protocols?
Since 1968, Minnesota Futurists Society (MFS) collaborators challenged each other's imaginations to develop scenarios of what might happen in the future, what probably will happen, and what we want to either make happen or HELP AVOID to CoCreateX / CoCurateY "Sustainable Wellbeing" Alt-Futures!
KU-1966 Digital Jaywalker HIghTEK "WakarUSA Watershed"
(7-Dec-1972) NASA Apollo-17 Mission BackCasting ...
Q: Who was this mission's "Pathfinder Passports" FutureThought Leader?
A: Apollo 17 was the sixth and last Apollo mission in which humans walked on the lunar surface. On Dec. 11, Lunar Module Pilot Harrison H. Schmitt and Commander Eugene A. Cernan, landed on the moon's Taurus-Littrow region in the Lunar Module, while Command Module Pilot Ron Evans continued in lunar orbit. Processing Link Apollo 17 Crew | NASA
Proverbs 19:8 ... Understanding "Unknown Unknowns"
Knowlege Management / Social Engineering (KM/SE) https://goo.gl/Vm3ghd (UNK-Squared DDx)
Envisioning ALL-Win4CQuest CommUNITY Social Responsibility (CSR) ... Pathfinder Passports StoryTreks(cc)
For common questions about thortspace, please review the FAQ –
Frequently Asked Questions ... https://www.thortspace.com/feedback/
OODA-Loop MindShifting Prescription (RRx) http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/w/page/115829275/Annotated%202017-IRM%20Thought%20LeaderA
Empowering EarthSea-Keeping via "Horizons Beyond" HERStory ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:GeoVenturing/FOCCPAC#CNO_Z-grams_(MentorShipART_of_Peace)
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