QuarryPark-NextDoor DCL-iLab-COLLADA

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QuarryPark-NextDoor DCL-iLab-SketchUP


Importing and Exporting COLLADA Files

COLLADA is an XML-based schema that enables you to transfer data among 3D digital content creation tools,

such as SketchUp, Maya, 3ds Max, and Rhino. COLLADA files use the .dae file extension, which stands for digital asset exchange.

In SketchUp, you can import and export COLLADA files pretty easily.


This work is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


iLab-3D Printing with Terrain2STL Maps


He found a very cool site by developer Thatcher Chamberlain called “Terrain2Stl,”

and that did the trick. As we saw back in November, this STL Generator is pretty impressive.


Chamberlain’s site allows a user to position a bounding box around the area of a map they wish to capture. The box area can be defined by features of the site, and simply clicking a “Create STL File” button generates what is generally an error free .STL file.

Richter says that aside from areas such as the Grand Canyon, the models work well.



SketchUp is 3D modeling software that's easy to learn and incredibly fun to use.

Download SketchUp today for free and get started drawing in 3D.



SketchUp Free is the core SketchUp modeler.

Draw, orbit and push-pull: make anything you can imagine in SketchUp 3D builder online, anytime you imagine it.